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Record Stores in Sheffield

Explore the vibrant vinyl scene of Sheffield with our essential guide to the city's top record shops. Whether you're a dedicated collector seeking rarities or a music enthusiast on the hunt for your next favorite album, Sheffield's record stores cater to all tastes. Dive into our list of must-visit spots for an authentic crate-digging experience in this culturally rich city.

Record Collector

  • Location: 233 Fulwood Road, Sheffield, S10 3BA
  • Specialty: South Yorkshire’s largest selection of vinyl and CDs, with a wide variety from rock/pop to jazz and classical.
  • Hours: Monday - Sunday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Bear Tree Records

  • Location: Forum independent shopping arcade, Division Street, City Centre, Sheffield
  • Specialty: Specializes in new and near-mint indie, alternative, and obscure records, including old Italian horror soundtracks.
  • Hours: Monday - Sunday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Spinning Discs

  • Location: 55 Chesterfield Road, Sheffield, S8 0RL
  • Specialty: Offers a friendly community environment with new, reissue, and select second-hand vinyl.
  • Hours: Monday - Sunday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Record Junkee

  • Location: Earl Street, The Moor, Sheffield
  • Specialty: Features a diverse range of genres with a significant indie and dance section; also a venue for local gigs.
  • Hours: Monday - Saturday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Sunday 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Each of these shops offers a unique slice of Sheffield’s music culture, providing extensive collections and immersive experiences that make them beloved in the community.

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