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Record Stores in Birmingham

Embark on a musical journey through Birmingham with our definitive guide to the city's best record shops. Known for its rich cultural tapestry and vibrant music scene, Birmingham offers a diverse array of record stores that cater to all tastes.

From the legendary sounds at The Diskery, one of England's oldest record shops, to the contemporary beats at Swordfish Records, each store is a gateway to exploring an eclectic mix of music genres. Dive into our guide and discover where to find your next vinyl treasure in Birmingham's bustling record shopping landscape.

Café Artum

  • Location: 177 Corporation Street, Birmingham, B4 6RG
  • Specialty: Known for a broad selection ranging from ambient to jazz, and regularly hosts live music and events.
  • Hours: Monday - Saturday 10.00am - 6.00pm

The Diskery

  • Location: 99 Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham, B5 6QB
  • Specialty: The oldest record shop in England, offering an eclectic mix of music genres and a slow-paced, delightful crate-digging experience.
  • Hours: Monday - Saturday 10.00am - 6.00pm

Swordfish Records

  • Location: 66 Dalton Street, Birmingham, B4 7LX
  • Specialty: Offers a variety of genres, with a focus on guitar music from psych to indie. A historic shop with deep roots in the local music scene.
  • Hours: Monday - Saturday 10.00am - 6.00pm

Emortal Records

  • Location: 1 Bournville Lane, Birmingham, B4 7LX
  • Specialty: Focuses on dance music but recently expanded to include rock and metal, with a vast selection and competitive prices.
  • Hours: Monday - Saturday 10.00am - 6.00pm

Polar Bear Records

  • Location: 10 York Road, Birmingham, B14 7RZ
  • Specialty: Strong selections of jazzier, funkier sounds and good old fashioned guitar music, located near the Hare and Hounds venue.
  • Hours: Monday - Saturday 10.00am - 6.00pm
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